

Medical Insurance Work Permit – Before You Apply According MOM

According to Ministry of Manpower(MOM) All Employers are required to purchase and maintain a minimum medical insurance coverage of $15,000 per year for each Work Permit holder for inpatient care and day surgery. This includes hospital bills for conditions that may not be work-related.

The cost of purchasing medical insurance cannot be passed onto the Work Permit holders. Employers who wish to have co-payment arrangements with their Work Permit holders for medical treatment should ensure that:

  • The co-payment amount is reasonable and only forms a small percentage of the Work Permit/S Pass holder’s monthly salary i.e. not more than 10%
  • Co-payment is stated explicitly in the Work consent.

You should keep the following information up to date with MOM by using Work Permit Online (WPOL):

  • Name of Insurer
  • Insurance Policy Number
  • Insurance Policy Commencement Date
  • Insurance Policy Expiry Date

for information about the policy you can call them or don’t hesitate to call us for more information about the news.


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