Insurance Claim Services

Claim Service

Claim Services

In Alco Insurance Brokers Pte Ltd, we specialize in claim handling. We provide insurance claim in various lines of insurance including both personal and commercial lines, especially in the area of Marine Insurance.

We help clients understand the claims process, quantify and mitigate losses and navigate documents. Alco’s insurance claim professionals assist organizations in navigating the adjustment process following a loss, helping to produce timely and equitable settlements. We work directly with our clients to identify specific needs and advocate on their behalf throughout the claims process. Our goal is to take the hassle out of experiencing a loss.

Case Study – Personal Accident Insurance

Case Study – P&I Club Unwilling to Put up Security

Case Study – A Cargo Claim

Case Study – Advising Shipowner on Hull Insurance Conditions

Case Study – Total Loss Claim

Case Study – A Case of Smuggling

If you like to know more, please Contact Us.

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+65 6535 1661

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